Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sponsor Goal and Partylite

I have recently set up ways to raise money to cover expenses for my future year. I will be competing in July out in Chicago against women from other states, regions and countries. Travel expenses as well as promotional materials are not covered by the pageant company and so I am asking for your help. One way that I have set up is a Sponsor Goal page. This is a web page that supporters can give directly to the cause. I have also planned a Partylite fundraiser, this way participants can shop and purchase products at the same time as helping me out. Given the recent power outages in the area candles shoud certianly be in high demand. If you have not already heard of each of these the links are below and I thank you in advance for considering your donations. ~ be sure to enter 'Laura Ferguson' as your host ~ be sure to click 'direct ship' to have your order shipped directly to you! 

Skate for a Cure

I had the pleasure of taking part in an event called Skate for a Cure last night in Taunton. This event was a fundraiser for two amazing women who are running the Boston Marathon on behalf on the Dana Farber Cancer Institution. I had fun meeting new people and showing my support to Jennifer and Melissa during their journey. The event was filled with families roller skating and many supporters taking part in the raffles including concert and sporting event tickets.
Maeve taking some time out of her skating for a photo
Maeve's sister Teagan and I posing for a picture

I hope that this event was as successful as you hoped ladies. Good luck in your future training and fundraising.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Michael Caizzi Photography

In January I had a blast at a photo shoot with Michael Caizzi Photography. I got amazing shots and it was hard to decide which ones to use. I am looking forward to working more with him over the year. I decided to share some of my favorites for you.

Mrs. Massachusetts International 2013

I am soo excited to represent Massachusetts over this coming year. Being selected for this title has been an honor and I hope to do it justice by educating people about my platform. I would like to say that I chose cervical cancer awareness as a platform but ultimatley it chose me. If I can impact the way that women think in my state about getting routine doctor visits than I know that I have been successful in my mission. Early detection is key and especially in cervical cancer, there are steps that can be done so that it never has to be life threatening, if caught in time. We as women tend to put our well being to the side to make our families our priorities and especially now with the economy are working as well as taking care of our households. Time tends to get away from us and we need a reminder to take care of ourselves. I look forward to being able to speak about this at events over the next months.

Laura Leigh Ferguson