Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Walk for Hunger

The starting line where walkers took their first steps of the 20 mile route.
I took a shift at the finish line cheering on walkers as they finished and directing them to water and ice cream.
It was great working along side all the law enforcement and emergency responders for this event. Everyone took extra precautions to make sure it was a safe successful event. Only three weeks after the marathon bombings they continue to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.
While at the walk I was interviewed by both a local Hip Hop TV station and Boston's Neighborhood Network.
Also volunteering her time was Miss Massachusetts' Outstanding Teen 2013 Krystina Ayanian.
Being at the walk for nearly 12 hours allowed a lot of time to take pictures with other volunteers and participants.
On May 5th my husband and I volunteered at the 45th Annual Walk for Hunger. It was a successful event given the recent Boston events with 30,000 walkers raising over 3 million dollars. This event provides food assistance to families in Massachusetts that need it as well as educational programs on nutrition. I had volunteered my husband to work in the first aid tent as I cheered on walkers finishing. Later in the day my brother also volunteered his time handing out ice cream to the participants. I am so proud that I can share my passion for volunteering with my family.

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