Thursday, May 30, 2013

McGee Family Dealerships

A big thank you to McGee for sponsoring my Memorial Day parade car. They have been very accommodating this year in helping any way they can. I appreciate their support so much, without them I would not be able to reach the audience that I have been able to.

Pembroke Memorial Day Parade

Pembroke celebrated May 27th's Memorial Day with a parade and ceremony honoring all the lost soldiers in war. Each resident of Pembroke that had died on behalf of our rights had their name read as well as flowers put on each of the war memorial monuments.

Hanson Memorial Day Parade

My hometown of Hanson celebrated Memorial Day with a parade on May 27th. In my opinion it was the perfect day for a parade and for us to remember the men and women that serve our country and risk their lives everyday.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Partylite Fundraiser

May 21st was my third fundraiser of the year to support my journey through out the coming months. Thank you for all who attended and showed support. I will receive a percentage of the sales from the evening. These fundraisers have already helped in getting my competition gown as well as promotional materials and additional funds needed for events.

Avon Walk

 The finish line of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
 Both walkers and survivors waiting to cross the finish line
 Finally after a couple days of walking, participants cross the finish line at closing ceremony
 Representatives from organizations through out the state receive grant money
I was happy to show support to a co-worker on her accomplishment of walking
I was happy to attend the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer closing ceremony on May 19th. Being able to watch as many of the walkers crossed the finish line as well as seeing where the 4 million dollars raised gets designated to was amazing. Organizations received grant money for the research and prevention of breast cancer.

Whitman-Hanson Relay For Life

 The high school's show choir as well as a local dance team performed for the participants
 I pledged to never start smoking
On May 18th I attended my local Relay for Life, this was the second year for this mini relay and raised over $8,000 for American Cancer Society. Participants raise money and walk on teams for a designated amount of time. They take turns and have different activities through out the event including an emotional luminary memorial.

School Visit


On May 9th I attended a local elementary school with a special visit for my 30th birthday. I visited with a 3rd grade class which had made me a birthday banner and gave me flowers and treats. These eight and nine year old students had great questions asking how I got to be Mrs. Massachusetts International as well as what I get to do through out the year. I explained how I get to talk to people about how important it is to go to the doctors as well as telling them that I get to help organizations I support in fundraising efforts.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Walk for Hunger

The starting line where walkers took their first steps of the 20 mile route.
I took a shift at the finish line cheering on walkers as they finished and directing them to water and ice cream.
It was great working along side all the law enforcement and emergency responders for this event. Everyone took extra precautions to make sure it was a safe successful event. Only three weeks after the marathon bombings they continue to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.
While at the walk I was interviewed by both a local Hip Hop TV station and Boston's Neighborhood Network.
Also volunteering her time was Miss Massachusetts' Outstanding Teen 2013 Krystina Ayanian.
Being at the walk for nearly 12 hours allowed a lot of time to take pictures with other volunteers and participants.
On May 5th my husband and I volunteered at the 45th Annual Walk for Hunger. It was a successful event given the recent Boston events with 30,000 walkers raising over 3 million dollars. This event provides food assistance to families in Massachusetts that need it as well as educational programs on nutrition. I had volunteered my husband to work in the first aid tent as I cheered on walkers finishing. Later in the day my brother also volunteered his time handing out ice cream to the participants. I am so proud that I can share my passion for volunteering with my family.