Monday, September 30, 2013

The Big E 9-29

The Big E on September 29th was a salute to the Special Olympics. During the parade line up I was able to meet with a few of their participants. The weather was gorgeous as I was escorted in a blue Cadillac, thank you to Joe for the hospitality in driving me. I wrapped the night up with front row seats at The Beach Boys concert and was able to chat a little bit with Mike Love.

The Big E 9-28

I participated in the parade at the Big E on September 28th. I was able to ride in a corvette as we drove through the fairgrounds. Thank you so much to Steve and Barbara for accommodating for me. The Big E had record attendance for the year but this particular Saturday brought in 160,872 visitors. I am thrilled that I was able to be apart of the record breaker.

South Shore Alzheimer's Walk

September 21st I was able to volunteer my time at the Alzheimer's Walk on the Plymouth waterfront. I met the other amazing volunteers and helped organize the shirts and get things set up for registration. After our orientation I hit the grounds as a greeter and helped welcome and direct participants.

Massachusett's Day

I had a wonderful day at The Big E for Massachusetts Day on September 19th. I was able to talk with the vendors on the mock state house green, be interviewed by Bruce on the radio, was able to watch the circus in boxed seats and meet the camels behind the scenes, and ride in the parade in an antique fire engine. Thank you Whately for sharing your ride with me!