Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Marshfield Fair 8/24

Once last time at the fair on August 24th brought forth more trophies and larger audiences. Each night I was able to address the growing crowd in the grandstands makes my mission to deliver awareness of cervical cancer that much more important. I was able to speak to people through out the fair and had visitors express how important my goals are for them and they also shared with me ways that they plan to help for their own reasons. It was very motivational to hear how many people take time out of their lives to help out causes they believe in as well.

Marshfield Fair 8/22

August 22nd I enjoyed another night at the Marshfield Fair helping out with the Demolition Derby's. One of my favorite parts of each night was when I was able to speak with the crowd though the PA system and express my thanks for their support and touch base on my platform of cervical cancer awareness. 

Marshfield Fair 8/19

August 19th I traveled back to the Marshfield Fair was I was able to hand out trophies to the winners of the Figure 8 Demolition Derby. While at the fair I was able to speak to the crowd and fairgoers. The Marshfield Fair Demolition Derby has played such a important role in starting my husband and my relationship. It was great to be able to participate in a different way this year.

Miss Heart of the USA

August 18th I had the honor of judging Massachusett's Miss Heart of the USA Pageant in Mansfield. This organization promotes community service and a portion of the entry fee is paid by non-perishables for a local food panty. Participants have the option to increase the size of their title and crown by the amount they raise and participate in the community. All participants were great and I wish them luck at Nationals.

Marshfield Fair 8/17

On Saturday August 17th I attended the Marshfield Fair. The fair features many agricultural exhibits, 4-H components along with music, a midway, lots of yummy food and nightly entertainment. While at the fair I met with many admirers, took pictures and signed autographs.

Against the Tides

 Interviewing on Pixy103
 Posing with some participants at the event
 Ben & Jerry's sponsored their time and ice cream
On August 17th I traveled to Nickerson State Park in Brewster to once again support the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition raise money at their event. The Against the Tides event features a competitive and recreation swim, 5K, 10K or walk and a kayak course. Together with Silent Spring their mission is to research the environmental contributing factors to breast cancer so that future generations will not have to fight this disease.