Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mrs. International Day 5

 My roommate and I

 Posing with some New England girls

The last day of competition had more rehearsals and lots of memories. The finals started with an opening production number and the announcement of the top 15. Those top 15 had onstage interviews and then the top 10 re-competed in fitness and evening gown. Everyone did outstanding and so we wrapped up the night dancing and eating at the coronation ball. Congratulations to the new Mrs. International 2013!

Mrs. International Day 4

 We were not really ready for this photo to be taken but we still look cute in our dresses
My husband and I after the preliminaries
Day 4 was busy with rehearsals and then the preliminary performance consisting of opening production number, fitness wear and evening gown competitions. My favorite was evening wear since I was able to share the stage with my husband.

Mrs. International Day 3

Day 3 consisted of interviews, rehearsals and the meet and greet silent auction with the Chamber of Commerce. My interview went well and I felt great about every answer I gave, the judges had a great way of showing a side of themselves and really showing interest in knowing about each contestant. The meet and greet was a huge success and raised about $6,000 towards charity from the silent auction consisting of items from each contestants home.

Mrs. International Day 2


Day 2 in Chicago we were able to go on a tour of the Botanical Gardens. The gardens were beautiful and take a lot of work to maintain. Every area we were at had workers landscaping and caring for the grounds. After the gardens we went into the city and visited Water Tower Place and vertical shopping mall. We didn't get a lot of shopping done, instead we spent our time talking with patrons and signing autographs. Mrs. Alaska and I also had the privilege of explaining to my roommate, Mrs. Australia, the history of the American Girl dolls. Around the American Girl store was were the most autographs were signed. After the city we continued back to Skokie for rehearsals.

Mrs. International Day 1

Arriving at Boston's Logan Airport I was greeted and escorted to my terminal by state police. Thank you so much for your assistance! A great way to start my trip to Chicago.

Day one in Chicago was orientation for contestants, this is where most of us were able to meet each other for the first time. With 70 contestants competing it was overwhelming to try to meet everyone and hear everyone's stories on traveling and who came along. I could tell everyone was so excited to be there and the staff made every contestant feel so welcomed.

Randolph July 3rd Parade

On July 3rd I participated in the Randolph Independence Day Parade. A big thanks to McGee for sponsoring my car for this event. It was great to see all the spectators enjoying their time with their neighbors and celebrating together. This 2 mile route was filled from start to finish with viewers and had many participants in the parade that I was able to visit with before the start of the parade.